@RISK和DecisionTools Suite 版本7即将发布,敬请期待!
Palisade公司在其2014年会上宣布,将于2015年初发行@RISK 和 DecisionTools Suite 7,版本7除了新增功能外,同时对用户反馈做出了改进,敬请期待!
1. @RISK Data Viewer – Allows you to display any spreadsheet data using all @RISK charts and graphing options. This will be available not only in @RISK, but in StatTools and NeuralTools as well.
2. Efficient Frontier Analysis – Especially useful in financial analysis, Efficient Frontiers determine the optimal return that can be expected from a portfolio at a given level of risk. This is a common application of optimization and will be included with RISKOptimizer.
3.Copulas – Also useful in the financial community, copulas provide sophisticated methods for correlating uncertain @RISK variables that give the user more control over the correlation pattern.
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