

PASS 16增加了55个新的样本量程序,Logistic回归中比值比的新程序,广义估计方程(GEE)测试,重复测量设计测试,交叉设计比例测试,在交叉设计中两个泊松比率的测试,交叉设计中的顺序数据测试,Williams交叉设计中的成对比例差异,比较时间平均差异的测试,多组斜率测试,分层设计中两个手段/比例/斜率的混合模型试验,多个相关比例的测试等等。


安装认证(IQ)和操作认证(OQ)工具已在PASS 16中添加。




新版本PASS 16 30天试用,请告知客服您的操作系统详情,以便获取该软件的新版本试用程序。




在32位和64位Windows操作系统上,PASS 16与Windows 10,8.1,8,7和Vista SP2兼容。更多详情如下

In order to run PASS 16, your computer must meet the following minimum standards:



450 MHz or faster processor

32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor



256 MB (512 MB recommended)

Operating Systems:

Windows 10 or later

Windows 8.1

Windows 8

Windows 7

Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 or higher

Windows Server 2016 or later

Windows Server 2012 R2

Windows Server 2012

Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2



Administrative rights required during installation only


Third Party Software:

Microsoft .NET 4.6 (Comes pre-installed with Windows 10 or later and Windows Server

2016 or later. Installation required on Windows 8.1 or earlier and Windows Server

2012 R2 or earlier. For systems where .NET 4.6 installation is required, a .NET 4.6

download helper will start automatically when you run the PASS setup file.)

Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 or higher

Adobe Reader® 7 or higher (required for the Help System only)


Hard Disk Space:

220 MB for PASS (plus space for Microsoft .NET 4.6 if not already installed)



Any Windows-compatible inkjet or laser printer

PASS 16 on a Mac

A Windows emulator (such as Parallels) is required to run PASS 16 on a Mac.





2018-06-25 16:20
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