
LISREL是应用于统计领域的软件,被公认的结构方程模块(Structural Equation Modeling,简称SEM)分析工具。为了满足LISREL 8和LISREL 9用户社区不断增长的需求,SSI开发了LISREL 10,是当今技术的前沿。


现代结构方程建模是以原始数据为基础的。使用LISREL 10,如果原始数据是在LISREL数据系统文件或文本文件中可用,可以将数据读入LISREL和使用SIMPLIS语法或LISREL语法表示模型。


LISREL 10包含修复了LISREL 9用户报告的bug。




● 多个组使用单个数据文件进行分析


● 用于分组和离散时间生存数据的模型


● 序数结果和比例比与非比例比假设的模型




● 使用stat/transfer进行数据转换


● 用于序数和连续变量的FIML


● 三级多能级广义线性模型


● 连续结果变量的四层和五层多层线性模型




SSI has enjoyed great success over the years in the development and publishing of statistical software and is proud to announce the release of LISREL 10.1.


In an effort to meet the growing demands of our LISREL 8 and 9 user community, SSI has developed LISREL 10, which is on the cuttng edge of current technology. The program has been tested extensively on the Microsoft Windows platform with Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating systems.


Structural equation modeling (SEM) was introduced initially as a way of analyzing a covariance or correlation matrix. Typically, one would read this matrix into LISREL and estimate the model by maximum likelihood. If raw data was available without missing values, one could also use PRELIS first to estimate an asymptoic covariance matrix to obtain robust estimates of standard errors and chi-squares.


Modern structural equation modeling is based on raw data. With LISREL 10, if raw data is available in a LISREL data system file or in a text file, one can read the data into LISREL and formulate the model using either SIMPLIS syntax or LISREL syntax.




2018-12-17 07:02
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