分析及样本量计算软件PASS 2023有什么新内容?

PASS 2023版本已发布。PASS 2023增加了43个新的样本量程序,并包括各种增强功能。在新程序中有大量的multi-arm治疗与控制程序。还有用于AUC和Cmax(生物等效性)、胜率复合终点、单例 (AB)K设计和Deming回归的新程序。


PASS 2023中的新程序

Multi-Arm Treatment versus Control

Multi-Arm Tests for Treatment and Control Proportions

Multi-Arm, Non-Inferiority Tests of the Difference Between Treatment and Control Proportions

Multi-Arm, Superiority by a Margin Tests of the Difference Between Treatment and Control Proportions

Multi-Arm, Equivalence Tests of the Difference Between Treatment and Control Proportions

Multi-Arm, Non-Inferiority Tests of the Ratio of Treatment and Control Proportions

Multi-Arm, Superiority by a Margin Tests of the Ratio of Treatment and Control Proportions

Multi-Arm, Equivalence Tests of the Ratio of Treatment and Control Proportions

Multi-Arm, Non-Inferiority Tests of the Odds Ratio of Treatment and Control Proportions

Multi-Arm, Superiority by a Margin Tests of the Odds Ratio of Treatment and Control Proportions

Multi-Arm, Equivalence Tests of the Odds Ratio of Treatment and Control Proportions


Multi-Arm Tests for Treatment and Control Proportions in a Cluster-Randomized Design

Multi-Arm, Non-Inferiority Tests for Treatment and Control Proportions in a Cluster-Randomized Design


Multi-Arm Tests of the Difference Between Treatment and Control Means Assuming Equal Variance

Multi-Arm, Non-Inferiority Tests of the Difference Between Treatment and Control Means Assuming Equal Variance

Multi-Arm, Superiority by a Margin Tests of the Difference Between Treatment and Control Means Assuming Equal Variance

Multi-Arm, Equivalence Tests of the Difference Between Treatment and Control Means Assuming Equal Variance

Multi-Arm Tests of the Ratio of Treatment and Control Means Assuming Normal Data with Equal Variances

Multi-Arm, Non-Inferiority Tests of the Ratio of Treatment and Control Means Assuming Normal Data with Equal Variances

Multi-Arm, Superiority by a Margin Tests of the Ratio of Treatment and Control Means Assuming Normal Data with Equal Variance

Multi-Arm, Equivalence Tests of the Ratio of Treatment and Control Means Assuming Normal Data with Equal Variance

Multi-Arm Tests of the Ratio of Treatment and Control Means Assuming Log-Normal Data

Multi-Arm, Non-Inferiority Tests of the Ratio of Treatment and Control Means Assuming Log-Normal Data

Multi-Arm, Superiority by a Margin Tests of the Ratio of Treatment and Control Means Assuming Log-Normal Data

Multi-Arm, Equivalence Tests of the Ratio of Treatment and Control Means Assuming Log-Normal Data

Multi-Arm Tests of the Difference Between Treatment and Control Means Allowing Unequal Variances

Multi-Arm, Non-Inferiority Tests of the Difference Between Treatment and Control Means Allowing Unequal Variances

Multi-Arm, Superiority by a Margin Tests of the Difference Between Treatment and Control Means Allowing Unequal Variances

Multi-Arm, Equivalence Tests of the Difference Between Treatment and Control Means Allowing Unequal Variances


Multi-Arm Tests for Treatment and Control Means in a Cluster-Randomized Design

Multi-Arm, Non-Inferiority Tests for Treatment and Control Means in a Cluster-Randomized Design


Multi-Arm Tests Comparing Treatment and Control Survival Curves Using the Cox's Proportional Hazards Model

Multi-Arm, Non-Inferiority Tests Comparing Treatment and Control Survival Curves Using the Cox's Proportional Hazards Model

Multi-Arm, Superiority by a Margin Tests Comparing Treatment and Control Survival Curves Using the Cox's Proportional Hazards Model

Multi-Arm, Equivalence Tests Comparing Treatment and Control Survival Curves Using the Cox's Proportional Hazards Model


Multi-Arm, Non-Inferiority Tests for Vaccine Efficacy Using the Ratio of Treatment and Control Proportions

Multi-Arm, Superiority by a Margin Tests for Vaccine Efficacy Using the Ratio of Treatment and Control Proportions

Multi-Arm, Non-Inferiority Tests for Vaccine Efficacy Comparing Treatment and Control Survival Curves Using the Cox's Proportional Hazards Model

Multi-Arm, Superiority by a Margin Tests for Vaccine Efficacy Comparing Treatment and Control Survival Curves Using the Cox's Proportional Hazards Model


AUC and Cmax

Bioequivalence Tests for AUC and Cmax in a 2x2 Cross-Over Design (Log-Normal Data)


Win-Ratio Composite Endpoint

Tests Comparing Two Groups Using the Win-Ratio Composite Endpoint

Tests for Two Groups using the Win-Ratio Composite Endpoint in a Stratified Design


Single-Case (AB)K Designs

Tests for the Difference Between Treatment and Control Means in Single-Case (AB)K Designs


Deming Regression

Deming Regression


PASS 2023中的改进程序

Within-Subject Correlation Input Option

The ρ (Within-Subject Correlation) nuisance parameter input option was added for these procedures.


Non-Inferiority Tests for the Difference Between Two Correlated Proportions

Non-Inferiority Tests for the Ratio Between Two Correlated Proportions

Equivalence Tests for the Difference Between Two Correlated Proportions

Equivalence Tests for the Ratio Between Two Correlated Proportions


Input and/or Output Updates

For these procedures, the input and/or output was improved.


Tests for Two Correlated Proportions (McNemar Test)

Non-Inferiority Tests for the Difference Between Two Correlated Proportions

Non-Inferiority Tests for the Ratio Between Two Correlated Proportions

Equivalence Tests for the Difference Between Two Correlated Proportions

Equivalence Tests for the Ratio Between Two Correlated Proportions

Tests for Two Correlated Proportions with Incomplete Observations

GEE Tests for Two Correlated Proportions with Dropout

Tests for One Mean (Simulation)

Confidence Intervals for One Mean with Tolerance Probability

Confidence Intervals for One Mean

Confidence Intervals for Paired Means with Tolerance Probability

Confidence Intervals for Paired Means

Confidence Intervals for the Difference Between Two Means with Tolerance Probability

Confidence Intervals for the Difference Between Two Means

Confidence Intervals for One Standard Deviation using Standard Deviation

Confidence Intervals for One Standard Deviation using Relative Error

Confidence Intervals for the Ratio of Two Variances using Variances

Confidence Intervals for the Ratio of Two Variances using Relative Error

Confidence Intervals for One Proportion

Confidence Intervals for One Standard Deviation with Tolerance Probability

Confidence Intervals for One Variance using Variance

Confidence Intervals for One Variance using Relative Error

Confidence Intervals for One Variance with Tolerance Probability

Confidence Intervals for the Difference Between Two Proportions

Confidence Intervals for the Ratio of Two Proportions

Confidence Intervals for the Odds Ratio of Two Proportions

Confidence Intervals for Linear Regression Slope

Confidence Intervals for Pearson's Correlation

Confidence Intervals for Spearman's Rank Correlation

Confidence Intervals for Kendall's Tau-b Correlation

Confidence Intervals for Point Biserial Correlation

Confidence Intervals for Intraclass Correlation

Confidence Intervals for Coefficient Alpha

Confidence Intervals for Kappa

Confidence Intervals for the Area Under an ROC Curve

Confidence Intervals for Michaelis-Menten Parameters

Confidence Intervals for Cp

Confidence Intervals for Cpk

Confidence Intervals for the Exponential Lifetime Mean

Confidence Intervals for an Exponential Lifetime Percentile

Confidence Intervals for Exponential Reliability

Confidence Intervals for the Exponential Hazard Rate

Confidence Intervals for One-Way Repeated Measures Contrasts

Confidence Intervals for the Odds Ratio in Logistic Regression with One Binary X

Confidence Intervals for the Odds Ratio in Logistic Regression with Two Binary X's

Confidence Intervals for the Interaction Odds Ratio in Logistic Regression with Two Binary X's

Confidence Intervals for One-Sample Sensitivity

Confidence Intervals for One-Sample Specificity

Confidence Intervals for One-Sample Sensitivity and Specificity

Confidence Intervals for a Percentile of a Normal Distribution

Confidence Intervals for One Proportion in a Stratified Design

Confidence Intervals for One Mean in a Stratified Design

Confidence Intervals for One Mean in a Cluster-Randomized Design

Confidence Intervals for One Proportion in a Cluster-Randomized Design

Confidence Intervals for One Proportion in a Stratified Cluster-Randomized Design

Confidence Intervals for One Mean in a Stratified Cluster-Randomized Design

Confidence Intervals for the Weibull Shape Parameter

Confidence Intervals for Intraclass Correlation with Assurance Probability (Lower One-Sided)

Confidence Intervals for Intraclass Correlation with Assurance Probability (Two-Sided)

Confidence Intervals for Vaccine Efficacy using a Cohort Design

Confidence Intervals for Vaccine Efficacy using an Unmatched Case-Control Design

Confidence Intervals for the Odds Ratio of Two Proportions using an Unmatched Case-Control Design

Confidence Intervals for the Difference Between Two Correlated Proportions


Input Options for Paired Variable Standard Deviations

For these procedures, paired variable SD's (σ1 and σ2) and Correlation (ρ) and/or Within-Subject Population SD (σ?) input options were added.


Paired T-Tests

Paired T-Tests for Non-Inferiority

Paired T-Tests for Superiority by a Margin

Paired T-Tests for Equivalence

Paired Z-Tests

Paired Z-Tests for Non-Inferiority

Paired Z-Tests for Superiority by a Margin

Paired Z-Tests for Equivalence

Paired Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Tests

Paired Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Tests for Non-Inferiority

Paired Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Tests for Superiority by a Margin

Conditional Power and Sample Size Reestimation of Paired T-Tests

Conditional Power and Sample Size Reestimation of Paired T-Tests for Non-Inferiority

Conditional Power and Sample Size Reestimation of Paired T-Tests for Superiority by a Margin

Confidence Intervals for Paired Means

Confidence Intervals for Paired Means with Tolerance Probability

Multiple Testing for One Mean (One-Sample or Paired Data)

Conditional Power and Sample Size Reestimation of Tests for Two Means in a 2x2 Cross-Over Design

Conditional Power and Sample Size Reestimation of Non-Inferiority Tests for Two Means in a 2x2 Cross-Over Design

Conditional Power and Sample Size Reestimation of Superiority by a Margin Tests for Two Means in a 2x2 Cross-Over Design

Tests for Paired Means (Simulation)

Tests for the Difference Between Two Means in a 2x2 Cross-Over Design

Non-Inferiority Tests for the Difference Between Two Means in a 2x2 Cross-Over Design

Superiority by a Margin Tests for the Difference of Two Means in a 2x2 Cross-Over Design

Equivalence Tests for the Difference Between Two Means in a 2x2 Cross-Over Design


Summary Statements

Summary statements were improved in over 350 procedures.



Documentation improvements were made in hundreds of chapters.


PASS 2023的兼容性

PASS 2023在32位和64位操作系统上与Windows 11、10、8.1、8、7和Vista SP2兼容。






2023-01-11 07:20
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