VisiModeller - Visiplan 软件插件
VisiModeller是个MicroStation 应用程序,允许用户将MicroStation3D元素标识为Visiplan对象。它是由Tractebel能源工程公司与SCK.CEN合作创建的。2001年推出了VisiModeller1.0. 它被设计成将MicroStation 7的图纸转换成MS®可由Visiplan 3.0读取的Access 97文件格式。用户可以给出名称、描述、材料名称、颜色、密度因子以及空心元件的壁厚和材料规格。根据用户的请求,可以将源卷放置在所选卷中。该软件工作非常便捷,并具有足够的灵活性来转换选定的卷组。
VisiModeller是个附加程序,它结合了将三维CAD设计转换成Visiplan环境的灵活性。不,随着Visiplan 4.0的新发布,我们要求Tractebel能源工程公司创建个新版本。现有的卷/源已经扩大,所创建的数据库现在在MS®2000中。同时,Bentley推出了他的新的Microstation 版本8.0,这是个编写VisiModeller 3.0的好机会. 此版本适用于MicroStation v8和Visiplan 4.0. VisiModeller 1.5是MicroStation v7和Visiplan 4的新版本。
VisiModeller 3用于MicroStation V8 和 Visiplan 4
VisiModeller1.5用于MicroStation V7和 Visiplan 4
Why VisiModeller ?
A lot of geometric information of nuclear installations is available in CAD programs, it would be foolish to neglect this source of information in ALARA pre-job dose evaluations. Therefore we developed VISIMODELLER to convert 3D CAD information into the VISIPLAN 3D ALARA planning tool format.
VISIMODELLER is a MicroStation application letting the user identify MicroStation 3D elements as Visiplan objects. It has been created by Tractebel Energy Engineering in collaboration with SCK·CEN. In 2001 Visimodeller 1.0 was launched. It was designed to convert MicroStation 7 drawings to an MS® Access 97 file format that could be read by Visiplan 3.0. The user can give a name, a description, a material name, a color, a density factor and for hollow elements, a wall thickness and a material specification. A source volume can be placed inside the selected volume on request of the user. The software works very easily and is flexible enough to convert a selected group of volumes.
Visimodeller is an add-on program to combine the flexibility to convert 3D CAD designs in to a Visiplan environment. No with the new launch of Visiplan 4.0, we asked Tractebel energy engineering to create a new version. The available volumes/sources has been enlarged and the created database is now in MS® Access 2000.
At the same time Bentley launched his new Microstation version 8.0, this was a good opportunity to write the VISIMODELLER 3.0. This version is for Microstation V8 and Visiplan 4.0. VISIMODELLER 1.5 is the latest edition for Microstation V7 and Visiplan 4
Visimodeller 3 for Microstation V8 and Visiplan 4
Visimodeller 1.5 for Microstation V7 and Visiplan 4
VisiModeller targets the reuse of PlantDesign 3D models. It does not support SmartSolid elements or Nurbs/Bspline elements. The software has been written in the CAD designers philosophy but with ALARA analyst in mind.
Now we have a tool that connects the CAD design world with the radioprotection and ALARA world.
VisiModeller targets the reuse of PlantDesign 3D models. It does not support SmartSolid elements or Nurbs/Bspline elements. The software has been written in the CAD designers philosophy but with ALARA analyst in mind. Now we have a tool that connects the CAD design world with the radioprotection and ALARA world.
VisiModeller targets the reuse of PlantDesign 3D models. It does not support SmartSolid elements or Nurbs/Bspline elements. The software has been written in the CAD designers philosophy but with ALARA analyst in mind. Now we have a tool that connects the CAD design world with the radioprotection and ALARA world.
Easy definition of the components and of the geometry needed for the Alara planning
Software Tool to convert MicroStation PDS geometries into VISIPLAN 3D ALARA planning tool Take format
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