PolyAnalyst - 文本分析软件
- 访问几乎任意数据源,并合并来自不同来源的数据
- 通过强的数据清理操作将数据整理成形状,例如输入缺失值和更正拼写错误
- 从广泛的统计和机器学习算法中进行选择,其中包含多种自然语言处理工具
- 创建令人惊叹的报告,总结和传达您的见解
- 可对数据表或单个文档进行操作的可自定义拼写错误更正
- 可定制的实体提取
- 自动语言检验和语言分类
- 强的查询语法
- 情绪分析
- 词典处理、词法处理和语义处理
- 数十种多语言词典
- 无缝分析文本数据点和结构化数据点
- 通过简单的拖放界面构建多步数据操作、清理和分析场景
- 使用强的语言和语义分析引擎,结合机器学习和统计技术
- 安排创建的分析解决方案以自动执行并与外部系统集成
- 感知器神经网络、卷积神经网络、赫布神经网络
- 决策树、Decision Forest、SVM等分类算法
- 聚类算法
- 线性回归等预测模型
- 从自由文本中提取情感、关键词、实体和关系,并进行文档分类和聚类
- 对结构化数据运行预测建模、分类、亲和力分组和时间序列分析
- 创建自定义图形报告,为非技术用户汇总分析结果
- 及时向数百名决策者提供基于浏览器的交互式报告
- 只需单击鼠标即可过滤任意属性组合的结果
不断增添新的数据源,并将与您合作以确保PolyAnalyst可以处理您的数据,无论其格式如何。以下是部分列表:OLE DB、ODBC、Microsoft Office、PDF、OCR、网页、电子邮件、XML、JSON、FaceBook、Twitter提要、CSV和平面文件、文档文件夹。
数据导入后,可以与来自其他格式的数据一起自由使用。例如,您可以轻松的将Microsoft Excel电子表格与表示电子邮件集合的数据集连接在一起。
PolyAnalyst is the leading system for extracting actionable knowledge hidden in piles of free text and structured data. Whatever your data source, challenge, or skill level, PolyAnalyst is the tool of choice for turning data into valuable business insight.
- Access nearly any source of data, and merge data from different sources
- Whip dirty data into shape with powerful data cleansing operations, such as imputing missing values and correcting spelling errors
- Choose from a broad selection of statistical and machine-learning algorithms, replete with several cutting-edge natural language processing tools
- Create stunning reports that summarize and communicate your insight
Text Analytics Features
- Customizable spelling error correcion that can operate on tables of data or individual documents
- Customizable Entity Extraction
- Automated language detection and language classification
- Powerful query syntax
- Sentiment analysis
- Lexicographical processing, morphological processing, and semantic processing
- Tens of dictionaries in multiple languages
- Seamlessly analyze text data points together structured data points
End-to-end Data Processing
One of Polyanalyst's greatest strengths is its ability to tie together technology that is normally distributed over several software systems . Functionality is organized together into a unified suite of tools.
- Build multi-step data manipulation , cleansing and analysis scenarios through a simple drag-and-drop interface
- Use powerful linguistic and semantic analysis engines combined with machine learning and statistical techniques
- Schedule the created analvtical solutions for automated execution and integrate with external systems
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